简介:广州博雅胶粘制品有限公司创立于1999年,座落在广东省广州市,地处经济发达珠江三角洲。博雅公司致力于胶粘产品的生产和销售,特别是在泡棉双面胶带方面,更具佳绩。公司已经形成了较为完善的产品系列,包括:泡棉双面胶带,双面胶带, PVC电工胶带,离型纸(膜),美纹纸胶带,牛皮纸胶带,布基胶带和棉纸等系列。 经过数十年的努力,博雅公司已发展成为集生产、研发、销售于一体的高新技术企业,已经拥有三家工厂,占地面积共50000平方米,现已拥有员工150名,专业生产胶粘带设备8台,年销售额达到2亿。公司在行业内率先通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证,产品获ISO14021、ISO14025国际标准Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型环境标志证书,产品符合欧盟包装材料标准92/64/EC,符合欧盟2002/95/EC关于在电子电器产品中限制使用某些有害物质的指令(简称ROHS指令)。 同时,公司以质量为保证,以市场为导向,严格控制成本。“质量第一、信誉第一、顾客至上”乃博雅公司的企业宗旨,我们愿与八方宾客携手同行,共创美好未来! 请您登录博雅网站www.broadya.com,进一步了解博雅相关信息,欢迎您的加入! Guangzhou Broadya Adhesive products co., ltd was established in 1999, located in Guangzhou economic developing district, specialized in manufacturing various kinds of double sided foam tapes, Double sided Tissue tapes, Double Sided OPP/PET film tapes, kraft tapes, Crep masking tapes, Cloth tapes, PVC insulation tapes, silicon release paper etc. With years’ profound researches and experiences in this field, we have developed to be a high-tech enterprise with production, research, and sales. Currently we have three modern plants, totally covers 50000 square meters, 150 staffs, 8 sets coating machine, with a sales more than USD30,000,000 including the market of Pacific Asia, Australia, Europe and North America we have obtained the approval of ISO9001-2000 international quality management system, ISO 14001 Environment management system authentication, Our products passed ISO14021,14025 International Environment authentication. “Quality First, Reputation First and Customers First" is the philosophy of Broadya Company, guests from domestic and abroad are invited to join us and share a better future.
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