简介:fmc is a leading executive search company. founded in 1999, we have fulfilled over 7,000 assignments in more than 65 cities in china. fmc focus on providing strategic recruitment solution to clients, and career planning for individuals. we have professional consultants, experienced candidates and sophisticated software.most of our clients are global 500, major industry settings are: fmcg, industrial & infrastructure, energy, electrical & electronics, chemicals, automotive, apparels, retail, it & telecom and real estate, professional service, etc.we are now expanding. we sincerely invite you to join and grow with us. please visit www.fmces.com for more details about us.fmc是国内领先的猎头公司,专注于为客户提供战略招聘方案,为高端人才提供职业发展规划。从1999年创立至今,我们在65个城市里,完成了超过7000个职位委托。我们拥有资深的专业顾问、优质的候选人资源、精准的数据库技术,期待能为客户提供最优质的招聘服务。我们大部分的客户为全球500强的公司,主要分布在快速消费品、工业产品及基础设施、能源、电子电气、化工、服饰、零售、汽车、it与通信、房地产、专业服务等行业。人才是我们的立身之本,因此我们渴求并珍视人才。一直以来,凭借“乐活乐业”的公司文化、以人为本的管理理念、智能强大的erp管理系统,我们实现了个人与公司的双赢。随着业务的发展,公司逐步的扩张,我们亟需人才队伍的茁壮发展。我们诚邀您加入fmc这个大家庭,与我们共同快乐的成长。如您需要了解更多关于fmc的信息,请您访问:www.fmces.com
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